Biometrics Screening
Biometric Screening Clinics
Biometric screenings are a great tool for identifying employees at risk for chronic disease. We know that you and your employees are busy, and because of that, it can be difficult to make appointments with primary care providers (PCPs) without losing time on the clock. Another factor facing everyone in rural areas is the limited access to healthcare providers. These issues can create barriers to your employees seeking checkups with their PCPs, and as a result many potential health risks go undiscovered.
Wellness Works can help. We will come to your facility to conduct the following health screening for your employees:
BMI- Calculated by measuring height and weight
Measures total cholesterol, LDL, HDL, triglycerides, and cholesterol/HDL ratio.
Premium biometric screening adds Hemoglobin A1C (HbA1C) test, which measures the average blood glucose level from the past three months
Why choose us?
Unlike other companies, we utilize nurses who are able to interpret lab results and respond immediately if an urgent health concern is identified. After the event you will receive a HIPAA compliant aggregate data report of the results, which allows us to structure health education to the greatest health risks your employees are facing. We are also able to offer Nurse Health Coaching to ensure that the results your employee receives during their screening don’t go unaddressed.
combining Biometric screenings with Nurse Health Coaching
Biometric screenings are a useful tool at assessing an employee’s risk for chronic health issues, but research shows that fewer than half of employees with abnormal biometric screening results will follow up with their PCP to share their results. Studies show that participating in health coaching after a biometrics screening resulted in employees who were:
45% more likely to lower cholesterol levels
30% more likely to lower blood glucose levels
6x more likely to meet achieve a healthy BMI
5x more likely to lower their blood pressure
Another study noted that of employees who have access to health program through their employer:
67% said they lost weight
56% reported fewer sick days
88% said they were motivated to pay more attention to their health
It was also found that utilization of health coaches lowered insurance premiums by $360/employee, lowering total medical costs by 10%. Employees with chronic conditions such as diabetes saw an even greater average decrease in medical costs, around 13%. These cost savings positively impacted employee and employee alike. Click here to learn more about Nurse Health Coaching
If you're walking down the right path and you're willing to keep walking, eventually you'll make progress.
-Barack Obama